My name is Robert Webb and I purchased this painting at an Estate Auction in Ottawa Canada while on vacation in 1996.
I have been looking for the Artist on and of since and think that you may have painted it by looking at the signature of your works today.
If you are the Artist could you please give me some background information on the painting, such as when it was created and what you may have titled it etc.
I appreciate it and your work - hope this was yours!
How strange. It's...an...interesting painting. Strange is...it kind of looks like your writing... a little bit. How did you write back in good ol' 96' ?
Waaaaaaay back in 96 I was 17 and primarily wrote in a chicken-scratch-pseudo-cursive to intentionally make the assignments I handed in illegible and not really worth any one teacher's effort to discern whether or not I had understood and accomplished the learning goals of the project. I didn't really start using the all caps thing until i graduated college in 99 when I realized that even I couldn't read my own writing.
I am the guy who emailed you about this painting. This page came up while doing an ever ending search for the P.Williams who painted it. I was excited when I saw the painting that I own on the page, then I read the writing.
Dang, fooled again! lol
I am frustrated and because I have been searching for awhile I am just going to put it and the story on ebay and let someone else have an adventure if they want! :)
Rob Webb
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